Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mushroom & Black Bean Enchiladas

This fourth of July was a difficult day for me, spending the holiday by myself.  Certainly, I wasn't going to fire up the grill, but I wanted something new and tasty and decided to make enchiladas and a great salad.  I started thinking about a nice rich dish and made a light but delicious mole sauce.

I rummaged through the pantry and found my some delicious ingredients that made this a wonderful and unusual treat.

1 package mushrooms, cleaned and chopped
1 12-oz can black beans, rinsed and drained
5 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
3-5 T crushed tomatoes, tomato puree or tomato sauce
1 T extra virgin olive oil
black pepper to taste; pinch of salt (optional)
6 soft tortilla shells (I used wonderful spelt shells)
1 cup mole sauce 
1 package goat cheese, crumbled

Preheat oven to 400F.

Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat.  Add mushrooms and beans and a pinch of salt and saute.  Add the garlic when the vegetables begin to soften.  You will notice that the mushrooms absorb liquid rapidly.  The salt will help them to weep, keeping the mixture moist.  If it gets to dry, don't hesitate to add as much tomato sauce as you need to maintain a nice consistency as they cook.

Once the vegetables are cooked, your filling is finished.  Place about 2-3 T of the mushroom-bean filling in the center of your tortilla shell and roll it up.  Place the rolled tortilla in a glass baking dish.  Continue until all 6 tortillas are filled.  Top with mole sauce and goat cheese (white cheddar would be great here, too).

Bake in the oven at 400F until the cheese is slightly melted and the sauce is bubbling.

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